Centurion Oxygen Equipment M23 1000 User Manual

Models covered  
Power Units :  
M23/1000, M23/2000, M23/8500  
Powered Respirator kits:  
M23/1000/CB, M23/2000/CB, M23/8500/CB  
(Power Unit, 8-hour Battery and UK Charger)  
Available Headpieces:  
See section 2 below  
Before using the system it is essential that you read these instructions and ensure that the correct equipment has  
been selected. Always be aware of the limitations of use of the equipment and that it is appropriate to the task.  
If these instructions are not followed or the unit is used incorrectly the system may not offer protection to EN12941/42 or EN 146.  
Power units offer NO protection unless a main filter(s) is fitted.  
In a power off situation the headpiece offers no respiratory protection and rapid CO2 build-up and oxygen depletion may also result. This is an  
abnormal situation.  
Power off is an abnormal situation regardless of whether a full hood, half suit or mask is used.  
At high work rates the pressure inside the headpiece may become negative at peak inhalation.  
The system should not be used in oxygen deficient or oxygen enriched atmospheres.  
The user must ensure that the nature of the hazard is identified and that the system offers an adequate level of protection.  
This unit should not be used where the nature of the hazard is unknown.  
This unit is NOT intrinsically safe and therefore should not be used in explosive atmospheres  
Be aware that the hose protrudes from the back of the headpiece and take care to avoid snagging.  
In high wind velocities the assumed protection levels may not be achieved.  
The full hood and half suit provide no protection against impact to head, face or eyes.  
Respiratory protection will be reduced unless the hood is correctly fitted and properly maintained.  
Do not confuse the markings on any filter which relate to standards other than EN12941 or EN12942 with the classification of this device when  
used with that filter. The classification for EN12941 will begin with "TH" and for EN12942 will begin with "TM". Filters should only be fitted to the  
power unit, do not attempt to fit them directly to a hood or helmet.  
Power Unit  
8 hr Battery  
UK Charger  
TH3/TM3 TH2  
The M23/8500 and Full Facemask is approved with the full range of Martindale DIN 40 gas/combination filters.  
The M23/8500 & TH2 headpieces are approved for use with the Fitta range of Combination Gas/Dust filters (M09A1P2) .  
Optional 4 hour battery and charger available for the 2000 power units – M23P2/4B battery and M23P2/4BC charger.  
All headpiece systems are to EN12941 or EN 146 with the exception of the Full facemask, which is to EN12942.  
Note: Heavy Duty Battery M23HD4B and charger M23UIC are also available for use with the Magnum 1000 and will typically give durations of  
12 hours+.  
Note: Magnum 2000 only conforms to TH3 when used with M23P3/5 filters and M23LHF otherwise it conforms to TH2  
Note: Nominal Protection factors of headpieces used with Magnum 1000 is 20  
Nominal and Assigned Protection Factors for Headpiece/Power Unit kits  
(Refer to Compatibility table below for suitable power units)  
APF (UK)  
Rigid Polycarbonate Visor with Saronex Hood  
Flip up Polycarbonate Visor  
Helmet with Flip-up Polycarbonate Visor  
High Temperature Helmet with Clear Triacetate Flip up Visor  
High Temperature Helmet with Gold Polycarbonate Visor  
Automatic Welding Visor  
Fixed Shade Welding Visor  
Lightweight P3 Tyvek F Hood  
Full Hood  
Half Suit  
50/500* 50/500* 20/40*  
Full facemask with twin hose  
* Note NPF=500 & APF=40 when M23LHF is used with TH3P Filters (e.g. M23P3/5 or M23P3SL/6) and M23/2000 or 8500 otherwise the M23LHF  
has NPF=50(7) & APF=20.  
A detailed table showing the exact classifications and protection levels is given in the headpiece instructions (024-001-692) supplied with each  
headpiece which must be read in conjunction with these instructions.  
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Centurion Safety Products Ltd. Howlett Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, UK  
Tel. 0044 (0)1842 754266 Fax. 0044 (0)1842 765590  
Allow the charge to continue as the charger will try and trickle charge the battery up to a acceptable pre-set level before commencing the battery  
charge, when the RED LED will continuously illuminate (this may take several hours) . If the charger refuses to charge the battery it may be faulty  
– contact Centurion Safety Products for further help and assistance.  
It is possible that a battery in this state may require several charge attempts to fully charge the battery.  
*It is not recommended to deeply discharge a battery by running the power unit until the battery is completely flat since this may permanently  
damage the battery.  
If the power unit is to be stored without use for more than 3 months the battery must be detached from the power unit before storage.  
5.1 General (Main Filter)  
DUST FILTERS (particulate)  
The filter(s) must be changed at regular intervals as determined by a competent person and must be changed when a drop in airflow is indicated  
by either the electronic alarms or airflow indicator.  
The filter(s) must be changed at regular intervals as determined by a competent person and must be changed when a drop in airflow is indicated  
by either the electronic alarms or air flow indicator or when any breakthrough of contaminate is detected by smell or taste.  
The Canisters(s) must be changed at regular intervals as determined by a competent person or when any breakthrough of contaminate is detected  
by smell or taste.  
We recommend the following MAXIMUM environmental contamination levels for filters as defined by EN 12941/2.  
Class 1 Gas/Dust filters (e.g. M09A1/P2)  
Class 2 Gas canisters (e.g. M23A2)  
= 500 ppm 200mg/m3  
= 1000ppm N/A  
Class 2 Gas combination/Dust canisters (e.g. M23 A2B2/P3) = 1000ppm 100mg/m3  
Dust filters TH2P (e.g. M23P2/5)  
Dust filters TH3P/TM3P (e.g. M23P3/5)  
MAGNUM 8500  
2 or 3 Canisters(P3)2  
2 or 3 Canisters(P3)2  
3 (Fitta)cartridge+adapters 3  
3 Canisters(Din 40)*  
MAGNUM 2000  
MAGNUM 1000  
# = N/A  
3 MO9PF ( PARTICULATES ONLY) *Pre-filters not available  
5.2 MAGNUM 1000, 2000 Power unit (M23/1000, M23/2000)  
Pre-filters (General)  
The pre-filter is an optional item, which sits in front of the main filter and removes coarse dust before it reaches the main filter.  
Pre-filters, in themselves, do not offer any respiratory protection and hence must only be used in conjunction with a main filter.  
The pre-filter should be changed immediately a drop in airflow is noticed.  
Frequent changing of the pre-filter will maximise the life of the main filter.  
Pre-filter Part number: M23PF/10 (For use with M23P2/5 & M23P3/5 filters only)  
Pre-filter replacement  
Outside surface of the power unit must be de-contaminated before changing the pre-filter  
Open the front cover of the Power unit by easing open the right hand side.  
Remove pre-filter with the minimum disturbance to the main filter.  
Locate pre-filter on top of main filter centrally and without overlapping  
Close the cover over the pre-filter/filter, taking care that it does not damage the filter media.  
Press down on the centre of the cover until it snaps closed.  
If a pre-filter is not used the main filter should be changed immediately the clogged filter alarm sounds/indicates or the air flow indicator, indicates  
reduced airflow.  
If a pre-filter is used it should be changed immediately the clogged filter alarm indicates or the airflow indicator, indicates reduced airflow.  
(This may be more frequently than if a pre-filter is not used).  
If after changing the pre-filter the clogged filter alarm sounds/indicates reduced airflow or the airflow indicator indicates reduced airflow.  
Within a short period of time, the main filter should be changed as detailed (see Main filter).  
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Centurion Safety Products Ltd. Howlett Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, UK  
Tel. 0044 (0)1842 754266 Fax. 0044 (0)1842 765590  
Main filters  
Part number: M23P2/5 or M23P2OD/5 THP2 /TH2P filters – for use with Magnum 1000 and 2000 Power Unit  
Part Number: M23P3/5 TH3P filter – For use with Magnum 2000 Power Unit only  
Care should be taken when handling filters.  
Do not touch the pleated paper filter medium.  
Do not use filters with damaged paper filter medium.  
Do not use filters after their expiry date.  
Do not use filters with no or damaged filter seal.  
Filters should be fitted as follows. :  
Remove the front cover by easing open the right hand side.  
Fit the filter squarely into the turbo unit.  
Place pre-filter over filter (if used).  
Close the cover over the filter, taking care that the cover does not touch the filter media.  
Press down on the centre of the cover until it snaps closed.  
MAGNUM 8500 Power unit M23/8500  
Pre-filters (General)  
The pre-filter is an optional item, which sits in front of the main filter and removes coarse dust before it reaches the main filter.  
Pre-filters, in themselves, do not offer any respiratory protection and hence must only be used in conjunction with a main filter.  
The pre-filter should be changed immediately a drop in airflow is noticed.  
Frequent changing of the pre-filter will maximise the life of the main filter.  
Pre-filter Part number: M23PF/20 (For use with M23P3SL/6 only)  
Pre-filter replacement  
Ensure that the main filter(s) are securely in place before commencing this operation.  
Outside surfaces of both the power unit and the main filter(s) must be decontaminated before unscrewing the pre-filter retaining ring(s). Unscrew  
the pre-filter retaining ring(s) and remove the contaminated pre-filter(s).  
Replace the pre-filter(s) and re-fit the retaining ring(s).  
Pre-filter Part number: M09PF ( for use with M09 Fitta filters only)  
Pre-filter replacement  
Ensure that the main filter(s) are securely in place before commencing this operation.  
Outside surfaces of both the power unit and the main filter(s) must be de-contaminated before changing the pre-filter(s).  
The louver forms a prefilter holder on each filter.  
Lift the louver at the 2-pin catch, open it, and replace pre-filter in the recess on the top of the filter, ensuring that it lays flat.  
Close the louver and secure it on the 2-pin catch ensuring that it is properly snapped shut.  
If a pre-filter is not used the main filter should be changed immediately the clogged filter alarm sounds/indicates or the air flow indicator, indicates  
reduced airflow.  
If a pre-filter is used it should be changed immediately the clogged filter alarm indicates or the airflow indicator, indicates reduced airflow.  
(This may be more frequently than if a pre-filter is not used).  
If after changing the pre-filter the clogged filter alarm sounds/indicates reduced airflow or the airflow indicator indicates reduced airflow.  
Within a short period of time, the main filter should be changed as detailed (see Main filter).  
Main Particulate filters (see diagram)  
Part number: M23P3SL/6 (Particulate Filters for Magnum 8500 power units)  
Filters fitting:  
Ensure that the rubber seal in the filter port of the power unit is present, in good condition and seated flat at the bottom of the threaded section.  
Ensure that there is no visible damage to the filter; discard any damaged filters.  
Screw the filter squarely into the power unit port until it is hand tight. Do not over tighten as this may damage the filter seal and impair efficiency.  
Filter removal  
The outside surfaces of both the power unit and the main filter must be decontaminated before unscrewing the main filter(s).  
The power unit should be positioned so that the contaminated filters are facing downward, in order that any trapped material released by  
unscrewing the filter does not fall into the filter port.  
Care should be taken when handling filters.  
Do not touch the pleated paper filter medium.  
Do not use filters with damaged paper filter medium.  
Do not use filters after their expiry date.  
Fitta Combination Gas/Dust filters (for Magnum 8500 power unit only)  
The following filters are available which can be used with the Magnum 8500 Unit and the range of TH2 headpieces and the M23LHF.  
To use the Fitta range of filters as detailed below a cartridge holder Part number M22FH is required for each filter.  
NB: 3 Combination Gas/Dust filters of the same type must be used.  
If the centre Din 40 filter port is blanked off, the blank may be unscrewed with a coin.  
Cartridge holder base  
Retaining ring  
Part number Description  
M09A1P2 (s) Organic Gas/ Dust  
M09B1P2 (s)* Inorganic Gas / Dust  
M09E1P2 (s)* Acid Gas / Dust  
M09K1P2 (s)* Ammonia Gas/ Dust  
* Discontinued  
Filter fitting  
Unscrew the retaining ring from the cartridge holder base and insert the filter with the louver facing outwards.  
Ensure that the rubber-sealing ring on the filter rests against the rim of the base.  
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Centurion Safety Products Ltd. Howlett Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, UK  
Tel. 0044 (0)1842 754266 Fax. 0044 (0)1842 765590  
Replace the retaining ring and screw it up securely. Do not over tighten the ring.  
The labelled portion of the filter and the louver protrude through the ring.  
Ensure that the rubber seals in the filter ports of the power unit are present, in good condition and seated flat at the bottom of the threaded section.  
Screw the holder(s) & filter(s) into the Din 40 ports of the power unit, hand tight only. Do not over tighten.  
Filter removal  
The outside surfaces of the power unit, holder and the filter(s) must be decontaminated before unscrewing the retaining ring(s).  
The power unit should be positioned so that the contaminated filters are facing downward, in order that any trapped material released by  
unscrewing the filter retainer does not fall into the filter holder.  
Unscrew retaining ring of the holder, remove contaminated filter.  
Care should be taken when handling filters.  
Do not touch the filter medium.  
Do not use filters with damaged filter medium.  
Do not use filters after their expiry date.  
Do not use filters that are not sealed in their bag.  
Din 40 Gas/Combination Gas/Particulate Canisters (for Magnum 8500 power unit only)  
The following filters are available for use with the Magnum 8500 Unit and the Full facemask.  
NB: 3 filters of the same type must be used.  
If the centre Din 40 filter port is blanked off, the blank may be unscrewed with a coin.  
Part number  
M23A2 *  
Organic/Inorganic/Acid/Ammonia Gases and Dusts (Solid & Liquids)  
Organic Gases and Dusts (Solid & Liquids)  
Inorganic and Dusts (Solid & Liquids)  
Organic Gases (with boiling points below 65 ºC and Dusts (Solid & Liquids)  
Organic Gases  
M23K2 *  
Ammonia Gases  
M23A2B2/P3 *  
* Discontinued  
Organic/Inorganic Gases + Dusts (Solid & Liquids)  
NB Pre-filters cannot be used with the above Din 40 filters.  
Canister fitting /Removal See M23P3SL/6.  
Care should be taken when handling filters.  
Do not touch the filter medium.  
Do not use filters with damaged filter medium.  
Do not use filters after their expiry date.  
Do not use filters with no or damaged filter seal caps.  
The Power unit is designed to exceed the requirements of EN 146 in that it will provide a flow rate of at least 140 litres/min for at least 4 hours  
under all conditions, assuming a fully charged battery at start (MMDD = 4Hr). Typical Battery Life with M23P2/4B compact battery when fully  
charged and run with Magnum 1000 Power Unit and appropriate filter and head piece is 8 Hrs (this will depend on various factors such as  
condition of the filter, age of the battery etc.).  
Once the battery has been charged and the correctly selected filter has been fitted the airflow should be checked before use.  
Principle of operation  
The Airflow indicator is designed to be situated in the centre of the filtered air stream and as the air stream passes over the indicator, it causes it  
to rise proportionally.  
Indicated Airflow then can be read by means of a graduated scale situated on the body of the indicator.  
Warnings and precautions  
To ensure that your air flow indicator is maintained to give its optimum accuracy, the following precautions must be adopted: -  
When not in use, the indicator must be stored in conditions to prevent physical damage.  
When not in use, the indicator must be stored in conditions +5 to 35 degrees C @Rh<90%.  
When not in use, the indicator must be stored away from direct sunlight.  
The indicator must be kept clean and free from any contamination.  
No adjustments, alterations or additional markings must be made.  
Method of use  
Prior to use  
Visually inspect the Airflow indicator for any damage, contamination or distortion.  
Ensure that the battery pack fitted is in good condition and fully charged.  
Ensure a filter is fitted.  
Position Vertically the Magnum unit for testing. (See diagram I).  
Unlock the outlet ring (See diagram I) and remove Air hose (if attached) ensure that the outlet ring is in the UNLOCKED position at all  
times during the air flow test.  
Switch unit on and allow to run for a minimum of 10secs.  
Locate Airflow indicator in the outlet ring with the letters of the graduated scale in the vertical and facing the front of the unit.  
Observe the airflow indicated from the graduated scale (See diagram II, III ). Ensure that when reading the scale your eye is level  
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Centurion Safety Products Ltd. Howlett Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, UK  
Tel. 0044 (0)1842 754266 Fax. 0044 (0)1842 765590  
with the top of the outlet ring.  
NB It is possible that the air flow of the power unit when fitted with a fully charged battery pack and a new or servicable filter/pre-filter will be such  
that when the airflow indicator is located in the outlet ring (See diagram I) it will be expelled.  
This is not a fault condition but an indication of airflow above the designed limits of the indicator, it is an indication of sufficient airflow.  
If you have both replaced the filter and fully charged the battery and line B is still not visible the unit and battery should be returned to the  
Line B fully visible  
Unit has sufficient airflow  
Line B obscured/not visible  
Battery flat or blocked filter  
To check for a flat battery replace filter and retest  
To check for blocked filter, charge battery and retest.  
Once the battery has been charged and the filter has been fitted the airflow should be checked before each use and  
when a change or suspected change in airflow conditions is detected.  
The Power unit is designed to exceed the requirements of EN 12941 in that it will provide a flow rate of at least 140 litres/min for at least 4 hours  
under all conditions, assuming a fully charged battery at start. (Minimum design duration = 4 hours).  
Duration of up to 8 hours can be typically achieved dependent on various conditions.  
The Power unit will give an audible and visual alarm when either the clogging of the filter causes the airflow to drop to the minimum design flowrate  
or when the battery voltage drops to a level below which it could not safely power the Power unit. When either of these conditions occur a  
frequently repeating audible bleep is emitted and in addition the yellow LED (Light emitting diode) on the top of the Power unit flashes if the filter is  
clogged or the red LED flashes if the battery is low.  
When either alarm condition occurs during use the wearer should leave the contaminated area immediately and replace the filter or recharge the  
battery accordingly.  
When first turning the unit on the alarm will beep to indicate the correct functioning of the alarm system. If the beep stops after a few seconds the  
airflow is sufficient to proceed with using the unit.  
The Magnum 8500 units are activated using a rotary control knob, which should be set to the correct setting as indicated on  
the top of the unit. ( see diagram )  
Counter clockwise setting for Headpieces/ Hoods/ Half Suits only.  
Centre setting for Power Off.  
Clock wise setting for the Full facemask only.  
Top label  
When used with TH2 Headpieces, TH3 Hood or Half Suit ( Counter clockwise setting)  
The Power unit is designed to exceed the requirements of EN12941 in that it will provide a minimum design flow rate of at least 140 litres/min for  
theTH2 Headpieces or 120 litres/min for the TH3 Hood / Half Suit for at least 4 hours under all conditions, assuming a fully charged battery at  
start. (Minimum design duration = 4 hours). Typical battery duration depends on a number of factors but is usually around 8 Hrs.  
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Centurion Safety Products Ltd. Howlett Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, UK  
Tel. 0044 (0)1842 754266 Fax. 0044 (0)1842 765590  
The Power unit will give an audible and visual alarm when either the clogging of the filter(s) causes the airflow to drop to the minimum design flow  
rate or when the battery voltage drops to a level below which it could not safely power the Power unit. When either of these conditions occur a  
frequently repeating audible bleep is emitted and in addition the yellow LED on the top of the Power unit flashes if the filter is clogged or the red  
LED flashes if the battery is low.  
When either alarm condition occurs during use the wearer should leave the contaminated area immediately and replace the filter or recharge the  
battery accordingly.  
When first turning the unit on the alarm will beep to indicate the correct functioning of the alarm system. If the beep stops after a few seconds the  
airflow is sufficient to proceed with using the unit.  
When Used With Full facemask. ( clockwise setting )  
The Power unit is designed to exceed the requirements of EN12942 TM3 in that it will provide a minimum design flow rate of at 95 litres/min  
when used with a full-face mask. for at least 4 hours under all conditions, assuming a fully charged battery at start. (Minimum design duration =  
4 hours). Typical battery duration depends on a number of factors but is usually around 8 Hrs.  
The Power unit will give an audible and visual alarm when the battery voltage drops to a level below which it could not safely power the unit.  
When this condition occurs a frequently repeating audible bleep is emitted and in addition the Red LED on the top of the Power unit flashes.  
When the alarm condition occurs during use the wearer should leave the contaminated area immediately and recharge the battery. The  
electronic clogged filter low flow alarm is not enabled on the full-face mask setting. An airflow indicator is provided with the unit, which can be  
used to check the flow prior to the use of the unit.  
To check the airflow for full facemasks ensure that the filter and battery are fitted and turn the power unit on. The head piece hose should not  
be fitted. Insert the airflow indicator into the outlet of the power unit with the letters on the label upright (See diagram I on page 6) and the label  
facing toward the front of the unit (where the filter is fitted). If line A is fully visible then the unit has sufficient airflow. If line A is not visible  
replace the filters. If you have both replaced the filter and fully charged the battery and line A is still not visible the unit and battery should be  
returned to the supplier.  
Ensure that the Power unit, Filter(s),air supply hose and headgear are not damaged, and that the battery is securely located in the Power unit.  
Push the hose connector into the Power Unit outlet and twist the outlet collar to lock.  
Turn on the Power unit and put the belt round the waist joining the buckles at the front.  
Refer to the separate instructions supplied with the headpiece for fitting and maintenance instructions.  
Power unit - routine maintenance is limited to cleaning of the equipment and replacement of filters.  
General - Avoid inhaling any dust during cleaning  
Do not use abrasive cleaning agents or organic solvents to clean any surface.  
To clean all external components wipe with a damp cloth dipped in warm soapy water. Dry with a soft, clean cloth.  
Do not attempt to clean the filters, once fully loaded they must be replaced.  
Do not immerse the power unit in water or allow water to enter the unit via the air outlet or inlet.  
All equipment should be stored in a clean dry atmosphere (R.H. < 90%) within the temperature range -5°C to +55°C in the packaging provided.  
It should be protected from direct sunlight and any material known to damage plastics, e.g. petrol and solvent vapours. Equipment should be  
transported in the original packaging. If stored correctly this equipment has a shelf life of 5 years.  
Contaminated filters/pre filters should be disposed of in accordance with local Health & Safety Legislation.  
WEEE (Refers to Power unit, Battery and Charger ONLY)  
1. The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol, with the solid bar, shown on this product, its packaging or instructions indicates that the product has  
been manufactured after 13/8/05 and is subject to European Community directive 2002/96/EC, issued 27/1/03, on correct handling of  
Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE).  
2. WEEE cannot be disposed of as municipal waste and must be collected and disposed of separately. Appropriate public or private waste  
collection systems defined by national and local regulations should be used.  
3. The product may contain substances which could harm the environment or human health if disposed of incorrectly.  
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Centurion Safety Products Ltd. Howlett Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, UK  
Tel. 0044 (0)1842 754266 Fax. 0044 (0)1842 765590  
All Magnum Power Units are guaranteed free from any faults in materials or workmanship. Should any such faults develop within 12 months of  
purchase then Centurion Safety Products Ltd will, at their discretion, repair or replace the unit without charge.  
Part Number  
Shower resistant plastic shroud for 8500 unit  
Comfort pad ( item 11 )  
Spare Standard Belt ( item 1 )  
Plastic Belt (Wipe clean for decontamination) item 1  
1.Standard belt.  
2.Comfort Pad.  
5. Small battery. 9. Outlet.  
6. Large battery. 10. Hose.  
13. 1000/2000 type power unit fitted with hinged door.  
3.Battery charger.  
4. Gas/combination canister.  
7. Prefilter.  
8. Filter.  
11. Large comfort pad.  
12. 8500-type power unit with DIN 40 ports.  
EC Type-examination by : BSI Product Services, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 4SQ  
(Notified Body No 0086)  
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Centurion Safety Products Ltd. Howlett Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, UK  
Tel. 0044 (0)1842 754266 Fax. 0044 (0)1842 765590  

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